Quotes as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan

Swearing with [another name] than Allah

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said “Swearing with [another name] than Allah is haram, either with the name of the prophet or someone else. It’s a minor shirk and sometimes it can be major shirk, according to the purpose of the swearer“

الحلف بغير الله محرم سواء كان بالنبي او بغيره وهو شرك أصغر وقد يكون أكبر على حسب مقصد الحالف


Walking the path of ‘Izzah and Karaamah

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Whomsoever walks the path of ‘Izzah [glory] and Karamah [dignity] and takes the way of Justice and righteousness, is patient on his path against the harm of those who oppose him, and during the tribulations he increases his Baseerah [foresight] and steadfastness.”

قال والدي: من سلك طريق العزة والكرامة وسبيل العدل والاستقامة صبر في طريقه على أذى المخالفين وازداد في المحن بصيرة وثباتاً


Falling into Shirk in Muslim lands

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Every person who falls in to Major Shirk while living in the land of the Muslims is a Mushrik.”

قال والدي: كل من وقع منه الشرك الأكبر وهو يعيش في بلاد المسلمين فإنه مشرك


Islam makes the Tawagith angry

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Every time when the Muslim move towards Islam, the crusaders and their supporters from the tawagith go out to confront them, under the pretext of War on Terror and bringing peace.”

قال والدي: كلما تحرك المسلمون للإسلام تحرك الصليبيون و أعوانهم الطواغيت لمواجهتهم تحت مسمى الحرب على الإرهاب وإحلال السلام


Hating the Musliheen and Loving the Tawagith & helpers

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The largest evil and disease in a heart, is to involve it in hating the Companions, the Imams of the Religion, the reformers, and the Mujahideen in Allah’s Path, and to involve it in loving the Tawagith and their helpers.”

قال والدي: أكبرخبث القلوب ومرضها أن تنطوي على بغض الصحابة وأئمة الدين والمصلحين والمجاهدين في سبيل الله وعلى حب الطواغيت وأعوانهم


Scholars of Evil and concepts of Maslahah and Mafsadah

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The scholars of evil use [the concepts of] Maslaha and Mafsadah [Benefit & Evil] as an excuse for their silence and not speaking the Truth. So they fell in all the evil and they used the Maslaha [benefit] and Mafsada [evil] to aid them in their misguidance.”

قال والدي: علماء السوء يتحججون بالمصلحة والمفسدةعلى صمتهم عن قول الحق وقد جاؤوا بكل المفاسد وصيروا المصلحة والمفسدة معونة على ضﻻلهم


Protect Allah’s Hudood

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Protect Allah’s prescribed limits [Hudood] and Allah will protect you, give victory to Allah’s religion and Allah will give victory to you, defend the believers and Allah will will defend you. [The Messenger pbuh said]: “Allah helps His slave as long as he helps his brother.” [Sahih Muslim]

قال والدي: احفظ حدود الله يحفظك الله وانصر دين الله ينصرك الله ودافع عن المؤمنين يدافع الله عنك”والله في عون العبد ماكان العبد في عون أخيه


Practising Tawheed

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “If Tawheed is not exercised and practised by the Muslims in their daily lives, there will be no fruits in their speeches, their books and their perceptions. And they will never achieve empowerment.”

قال والدي: التوحيد إذا لم يمارسه المسلمون عملياً في حياتهم لم تثمر كلماتهم ولا كتاباتهم ولا تصوراتهم ولم يحصل لهم التمكين


Tweets are danger for Tawagith

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The words and tweets/posts that are formulated smartly, became a weapon in delivering the right perceptions, and crushing the intellectual coups/wars.”

قال والدي: الكلمات والتغريدات المصوغة بذكاء أمضى من الأسلحة في توصيل التصورات الصحيحة وسحق الانقلابات الفكرية


Defenders of the religion are protect by Allah

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Those who are defending Islam, this great Religion, and its campaigns. Allah will protect them and give them victory: “Truly, Allah defends those who believe. Verily, Allah likes not any treacherous ingrate to Allah [those who disobey Allah but obey Shaitan;] Quran 22: 38.”

قال والدي: الذين يدافعون عن الإسلام والدين العظيم ويذبون عن حملته يحفظهم الله وينصرهم: إن الله يدافع عن الذين أمنواإن الله لايحب كل خوان كفور


Terrorizing the weak is behaviour of bad people

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Terrorizing/bullying the weak and those who lost their houses, is the behaviour of bad people, and the tawagith and their helpers. And the one who doesn’t give victory to the weak and oppressed, let him at least not aid the oppressors and criminals, over the oppressed.”

قال والدي: الاستئساد على المستضعفين والمشردين خلق الأشرار والطواغيت وأعوانهم ومن لم ينصر الضعيف والمظلوم فلا يكن عوناً للظلمةوالمجرمين عليه


Battles for the sake of surviving

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Verily the Muslims nowadays in Shaam and Egypt are engaged in battles for the sake of surviving or vanishing. Accursed plots are being plotted for the sake of crushing Islam and enslaving the people.”

قال والدي: إن المسلمين اليوم في الشام ومصر يخوضون معركة بقاء أو فناء وقد حيكت مؤامرات ملعونة لسحق الإسلام وتعبيد الشعوب


Egypt and the war against Islam

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Perhaps the events in Egypt revealed for the oblivious [ones] the true face of the secularists and their war against Islam, their lies, betrayal and thirst to [spill] blood, while they take away the freedom of those who don’t want to be a traitor.”

قال والدي: لعل أحداث مصر كشفت للغافلين حقيقة العلمانيين وحربهم على الإسلام وكذبهم وخيانتهم وعشقهم للدماء ومصادرة حرية كل من لم يكن خائناً


Defending Liberalism

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Whomsoever pledges allegiance to Liberalism, defended it and stood for it’s governance, than he is a taghut like it [i.e. liberalism].”

قال والدي: من جعل لليبرالي بيعة ودافع عنه ووقف دون حكمه فهو طاغوت مثله


Du’a Qunoot for the Muslim against the enemies

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Making individual [Du'a] al-Qunoot is permissible at times of calamity, so give victory to your brothers in Egypt and Shaam by making Du’a for them and Du’a against their enemies, those who killed the Muslims and burned the Mosques.”

قال والدي: القنوت في الفرائض مشروع في النوازل فانصروا إخوانكم في مصرو الشام بالدعاء لهم والدعاء على أعدائهم الذين قتلوا المسلمين وحرقوا المساجد


Muslims of Egypt

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The Muslims of Egypt have to show patience [Sabr], fortify themselves with Tawheed [monotheism], show attachment to Allah, repent from the sins and defending the Tawagith and show enmity towards them, because this is the path to victory.“

قال والدي: على المسلمين في مصر التخلق بالصبر والتحصن بالتوحيد والتعلق بالله والتوبة من الذنوب ومدافعة الطواغيت والبراءة منهم فهذا طريق النصر


Ressurected with those you love

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Today we can see in Egypt, Shaam [Jordan, Palestine, Libanon, Syria] and other Muslim countries, a war between Islam and kufr [disbelief], between Shariah and secularism, so there is no place for stopping, so every person should look at which side he stands on because a man will be [resurrected] with those whom he love.”

قال والدي: اليوم في مصر والشام وديار أخرى حرب بين الإسلام والكفر والشريعة والعلمنة فلا مجال للتوقف وانظر مع من تقف فان المرء مع من أحب


Sealed hearts

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Allah has sealed the hearts of some people who don’t show anger for the dead Muslims killed with the weapons of the rogues, while they mourn in the news papers and the Pulpits for the blood of the Christians and the apostates.”

قال والدي: قد طبع الله على قلوب أقوام ﻻيغضبون لقتلى المسلمين بأسلحة المارقين وينوحون في الصحف ويبكون على المنابر على قتلى النصارى والمرتدين


Scholars who love high and presidential positions

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “If you see the Scholars, love the high and presidential positions, don’t be surprised of apostasy and betrayal when it comes to their Umma and Religion, Allah Ta’ala says: “O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the [Jewish] rabbis and the [Christian] monks who devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder [them] from the Way of Allah [i.e. Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism].”  [9:34]

قال والدي: ا المشايخ إذا أحبوا المناصب والرئاسة فلا تستغرب الإرتداد وخيانة أمتهم ودينهم. قال تعالى: يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ إِنَّ كَثِيراً مِّنَ الأَحْبَارِ وَالرُّهْبَانِ لَيَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ النَّاسِ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَيَصُدُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللّهِ


Acursed scholars

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The scholars who betrayed their religion, and stood in the ranks of the slaves [of the west] and helped the enemies of Islam [it is about them Allah has said]: “They are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers.” [al-Baqarah: 159]

قال والدي: العلماء الذين خانوا دينهم ووقفوا في صفوف العملاء وظاهروا أعداء الإسلام: اولئك يلعنهم الله ويلعنهم اللاعنون


Uniting the ranks of the Muwahidin

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “What is asked today is uniting the ranks of the Muwahideen [monotheists], and to Re-unite the Muslims. And directing the efforts to confront the challenges/threats of the Magoos, Tawagith and their donkeys the Murji’ah and the secularists.”

قال والدي: المطلب اليوم توحيد صفوف الموحدين ولملمة شمل المسلمين وتوجيه الجهود لمواجهة تحديات المجوس والطغاة وحميرهم المرجئة والعلمانيين


Betraying Muslims

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Betraying a Muslim is something great and It leads to cutting off the bonds of brotherhood, and to subjugating the oppressed to his oppressor. And in the Hadith it says: “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or is oppressed.”

قال والدي: إن خذلان المسلم شيئ عظيم وهو يحمل على قطع عرى الأخوة وعلى حمل المظلوم على الخنوع لظالمه وفي الحديث: انصر أخاك ظالماً أو مظلوما


The Apostate can not be the Leader over the Muslims

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The apostate can not be the Waliy [leader] over the Muslims, even if he out-powered them, with the consensus of the all the groups and sects in the Umma. And every attempt to make it permissible for a Kaafir to be a leader, is challenging Allah and betrayal of the religion.”

قال والدي: المرتد لا يكون والياً على المسلمين ولو تغلب بإجماع كل طوائف وفرق الأمة وكل محاولة لتجويز ولاية الكافر محادة لله وخيانة للدين


Hypocrisy and blackness in the Heart

Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “Being happy with imprisonment of the Muslims and their killing by the weapons of the secularists is an evidence of hypocrisy and blackness in the heart. Allah Ta’ala says: “But if a calamity overtakes you, they [munafiqun] say: “We took our precaution beforehand” and they turn away rejoicing.” [Surat at-Tauba: 50]

قال والدي:  الفرح بحبس المسلمين وقتلهم بأسلحة العلمانيين دليل النفاق وسواد القلب: وإن تصبك مصيبة يقولوا قد اخذنا أمرنا من قبل ويتولوا وهم فرحون



Abdul-Malik narrates that his father; as-Shaykh Sulaymaan bin Nasir al-’Alwaan, said: “The one whose desires [are with] the Munafiqeen and Kaafireen don’t trust him in anything with regard to the religion, and beware of him. Because the one who betrayed his religion of the Lord of the Worlds can not be an advisor for the Muslims.”


قال والدي: من كان هواه للمنافقين والكافرين فلا تأمنه على شيء من الدين واحذره فإنه لن يكون ناصحاً للمسلمين من قد خان دين رب العالمين