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فَخَسَفنَا بِه ِِ وَبِدَارِهِ الأَرضَ فَمَا كَانَ لَه ُُ مِنفِئَة ٍ يَنصُرُونَه ُُ مِندُونِ اللَّهِ وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ المُنْتَصِرِينَ

So We caused the earth to swallow him and his dwelling place. Then he had no group or party to help him against Allah, nor was he one of those who could save themselves.

Fakhasafna Bihi Wa Bidarihi Al-'Arđa Fama Kana Lahu Min Fi'atin Yanşurūnahu Min Dūni Allahi Wa Ma Kana Mina Al-Muntaşirina


وَأَصبَحَ الَّذِينَ تَمَنَّوا مَكَانَه ُُ بِالأَمسِ يَقُولُونَ وَيكَأَنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْسُطُ الرِّزقَ لِمَنيَشَاءُ مِن عِبَادِه ِِ وَيَقْدِرُ لَولاَ أَنمَنَّ اللَّهُ عَلَينَا لَخَسَفَ بِنَا وَيكَأَنَّهُ لاَ يُفلِحُ الكَافِرُونَ

And those who had desired (for a position like) his position the day before, began to say: "Know you not that it is Allah Who enlarges the provision or restricts it to whomsoever He pleases of His slaves. Had it not been that Allah was Gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up (also)! Know you not that the disbelievers will never be successful.

Wa 'Aşbaĥa Al-Ladhina Tamannaw Makanahu Bil-'Amsi Yaqūlūna Wayka'anna Allaha Yabsuţu Ar-Rizqa Liman Yasha'u Min `Ibadihi Wa Yaqdiru Lawla 'An Manna Allahu `Alayna Lakhasafa Bina Wayka'annahu La Yufliĥu Al-Kafirūna


تِلكَ الدَّارُ الآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلَّذِينَ لاَ يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوّا ً فِي الأَرضِ وَلاَ فَسَادا ً وَالعَاقِبَةُ لِلمُتَّقِينَ

That home of the Hereafter (i.e. Paradise), We shall assign to those who rebel not against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2).

Tilka Ad-Daru Al-'Ākhiratu Naj`aluha Lilladhina La Yuridūna `Ulūwaan Fi Al-'Arđi Wa La Fasadaan Wa Al-`Āqibatu Lilmuttaqina


مَنجَاءَ بِالحَسَنَةِ فَلَه ُُ خَير ٌ مِنهَا وَمَنجَاءَ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ فَلاَ يُجْزَى الَّذِينَ عَمِلُوا السَّيِّئَاتِ إِلاَّ مَا كَانُوا يَعمَلُونَ

Whosoever brings good (Islamic Monotheism along with righteous deeds), he shall have the better thereof, and whosoever brings evil (polytheism along with evil deeds) then, those who do evil deeds will only be requited for what they used to do.

Man Ja'a Bil-Ĥasanati Falahu Khayrun Minha Wa Man Ja'a Bis-Sayyi'ati Fala Yuj Al-Ladhina `Amilū As-Sayyi'ati 'Illa Ma Kanū Ya`malūna


إِنَّ الَّذِي فَرَضَ عَلَيكَ القُرآنَ لَرَادُّكَ إِلَى مَعَاد ٍ قُل رَبِّي أَعلَمُ مَنجَاءَ بِالهُدَى وَمَن هُوَ فِي ضَلاَل ٍ مُبِين ٍ

Verily, He Who has given you (O Muhammad SAW) the Qur'an (i.e. ordered you to act on its laws and to preach it to others) will surely bring you back to the Ma'ad (place of return, either to Makkah or to Paradise after your death, etc.). Say (O Muhammad SAW): "My Lord is Aware of him who brings guidance, and he who is in manifest error."

'Inna Al-Ladhi Farađa `Alayka Al-Qur'ana Laradduka 'Ilá Ma`adin Qul Rabbi 'A`lamu Man Ja'a Bil-Hudá Wa Man Huwa Fi Đalalin Mubinin


وَمَا كُنتَ تَرجُوا أَنيُلقَى إِلَيكَ الكِتَابُ إِلاَّ رَحمَة ً مِنرَبِّكَ فَلاَ تَكُونَنَّ ظَهِيرا ً لِلكَافِرِينَ

And you were not expecting that the Book (this Qur'an) would be sent down to you, but it is a mercy from your Lord. So never be a supporter of the disbelievers.

Wa Ma Kunta Tarjū 'An Yulqá 'Ilayka Al-Kitabu 'Illa Raĥmatan Min Rabbika Fala Takūnanna Žahiraan Lilkafirina


وَلاَ يَصُدُّنَّكَ عَنآيَاتِ اللَّهِ بَعدَ إِذ أُنزِلَت إِلَيكَ وَادْعُ إِلَى رَبِّكَ وَلاَ تَكُونَنَّ مِنَ المُشرِكِينَ

And let them not turn you (O Muhammad SAW) away from (preaching) the Ayat (revelations and verses) of Allah after they have been sent down to you, and invite (men) to (believe in) your Lord [i.e: in the Oneness (Tauhid) of Allah (1) Oneness of the Lordship of Allah; (2) Oneness of the worship of Allah; (3) Oneness of the Names and Qualities of Allah], and be not of Al-Mushrikun (those who associate partners with Allah, e.g. polytheists, pagans, idolaters, those who disbelieve in the Oneness of Allah and deny the Prophethood of Messenger Muhammad SAW).

Wa La Yaşuddunnaka `An 'Āyati Allahi Ba`da 'Idh 'Unzilat 'Ilayka Wa Ad`u 'Ilá Rabbika Wa La Takūnanna Mina Al-Mushrikina


وَلاَ تَدْعُ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَها ً آخَرَ لاَ إِلَهَ~َ إِلاَّ هُوَ كُلُّ شَيءٍ هَالِك ٌ إِلاَّ وَجْهَه ُُ لَهُ الحُكمُ وَإِلَيهِ تُرجَعُونَ

And invoke not any other ilah (god) along with Allah, La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Everything will perish save His Face. His is the Decision, and to Him you (all) shall be returned.

Wa La Tad`u Ma`a Allahi 'Ilahaan 'Ākhara La 'Ilaha 'Illa Huwa Kullu Shay'in Halikun 'Illa Wajhahu Lahu Al-Ĥukmu Wa 'Ilayhi Turja`ūna